Axioms en Español

A dozen years or so ago, I had a conversation with my sister Gloria and cousin Felipa about proverbs and axioms used by our parents and grandparents in New Mexico. I recorded the conversation on my first iPhone and thought I lost it after the numerous iterations of iPhone updates.

However, I recently discovered I had saved it to my SoundCloud account, so I thought I would share the two and one-half minute audio recording here. One of my favorite sayings I remember my mom telling me was, “Ya te conozco, mosco,” meaning, “I already know you, fly.” This basically meant, “I know what you’re up to, son.”

This is for la familia and others who remember these Spanish nuggets of truth. Enjoy!

Sam Lucero

A website featuring images and words created by Sam Lucero.

A visit to Chimp Eden


Twisting words for victory